A celebration of the life of
RecollectionsName: Jacquelyn Spier Recollections: Your Dad really treated me with affection and respect. He joked with me and acted interested in what I was doing. He was busy with his work and life, but he fetched me. I'll never forget. And when he visited us, Kurt and Eric (my children) were enchanted with him. He flew planes on the golf course and spent time with them. He was a joy to have around. You were blessed to have such a dear father and human being in your life. My love to all of you, Jacquelyn Name: Rueben Stokes Recollections: Even though this is supposed to be a sad occasion, thinking of you makes me smile and I reminisce about 35 years ago... or was it last week? When I was a 10 year old without a father trying out for my first football team. I didn't know much about the game. Little league had been awful for me and I wondered if I would ever be good at a sport. Others told me I wouldn't. I thank God that you were my first football coach. On my very first day in uniform you called me aside and told me that the pointed ends of the thigh pads were supposed to point away from the cup, and not towards it. This little tidbit of information allowed me to avoid a potentially painful situation. Thanks. You did a lot more than help me wear my uniform properly. You chose me for your team. You told me I was good at something. You taught me to work for what I wanted. You gave me a grass canvas and encouraged me to use my talents to express myself. Noseguards aren't supposed to stand up…You let me stand up. You let me keep my fullback number,32 even though I was a guard. You didn't get mad at me for clipping the El Monte Lion that nullified Rickey's touchdown and cost us the game. You just explained the rules and said don't do it again. I didn't. Thanks. I made the weight every week (usually by less than an ounce…) because I didn't want to disappoint you. You told me the team needed me. What you taught me transcended football. You made me feel good about me. Thanks. You stayed in touch with me long after my Pee Wee Bulldog days had passed. You went to my high school football games. You called me when I went to college. You called me when I moved my young family to Illinois. Thanks. I see you Mr. Brown. I see Pasadena Bulldogs. Pee Wees. Red and white. Victory Park. White hair. Smiling face. Coach's shoes-black in the old style with ridges instead of cleats. Station wagon equipment shed. Red Cap - White Bulldog logo. Red nylon Bulldogs windbreaker. Cedrick 48 sweep. Beat Temple City. Bobo and Danny. Endless wind sprints with Scott. The guys - Ricky, Kim, Michael, John, Tony and Larry. I see fun. I see some of the happiest times of my life. I see you Mr. Brown. Thanks. I see you Mr. Brown. I see honor, decency, fair play, hope, loyalty, earned respect and genuine care for others. Some of that rubbed off on me. It rubbed off on the others too. You made a difference in some lives. In the finally tally, that's what really counts. Thanks. Good-bye Mr. Brown. I'm glad I had the opportunity to know you. Name: Alma Stokes Recollections: Name: Jay Crews Recollections: It was truly a pleasure to have Claude working out of our office. His expertise and love for the hobby were always present. We have placed one of Claude's airplane designs on our website, www.rcmmagazine.com, so we can all remember how truly gifted he was. God Bless Name: Ed Pitzer Recollections: He also had a design called the Mitchell B2 and I'm a little hazy on what that was. There were others but I'm afraid my memory fails me, but he was a very clever designer. Name: Jacqui Young-Klein Recollections: Jacqui Young -Klein Name: Frances Young Recollections: Name: Rosemary Wimmer Recollections: God bless Claude, he was a good man. Name: Randy Arnayro Recollections: Name: Val Larsen Recollections: